Metro Net – Connecting Perth Suburbs

Metro Net – Connecting Perth Suburbs
Metronet is the new public transport plan from the newly elected Labor State Government.
The first priorities of the METRONET public transport plan will be:
- Complete the Forrestfield-Airport Line – Completely funded in the State Budget
- Build the Morley to Ellenbrook Line – 21km – Costed at $863m
- Extend the Joondalup line to Yanchep – 3.65km – Costed at $386m
- Extend the Armadale line to Byford – 7.5km – Costed at $291m
- Commence the Circle Line between Thornlie & Cockburn in 2019
The most exciting part of the plan is the new Circle Line, which will link the Armadale and Mandurah Lines by extending the Thornlie Line. This will form the start of METRONET’s Circle Line, allowing east-west train passenger rail travel for the first time, rather than just spur lines in and out of Perth’s CBD.
Perth has never had a circle line – and it will allow East to West travel without having to go into the CBD. Once completed the Circle Line will eventually form a complete ring around Perth.
Labor leader Mark McGowan commented ‘We all know we need to plan for the future… we need to have proper public transport that lets people get out of their cars, allows us to plan our suburbs properly with the right mix of density and jobs in proximity to where people live,” he told reporters on Monday.
“It’s congesting-busting, it’s affordable, it’s achievable, it’s financially responsible.”