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Tips for finding an off the plan or existing apartment that’s right for you!

Tips for finding an off the plan or existing apartment that’s right for you!

 Tips for finding an off the plan or existing apartment that’s right for you!


Check the developer’s credentials and track record.

Purchasers should review the project developer’s track record and other previous developments they have delivered. Viewing home opens in their previous projects is a clever idea to check out build quality, apartment designs, fixtures and finishing’s. A strong track record of delivering developments builds trust and shows they can deliver on time and to agreed specifications.


Check approvals with the local council

You can check with the local government or the local Development Assessment Panel to confirm that all the proper approvals have been received and the project is approved.


Check out your mobile phone reception in every room.

In this modern connected world, you wouldn’t want to have to walk outside to make phone calls or not have your mobile phone have reception in bed! Annoying!!!


Make sure your furniture will fit.

If you have large sofas and king-sized beds make sure they will fit into the rooms and communal lifts of the complex. Measuring your largest items and then bringing a tape measure when you inspect the premise could be a life saver!



Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine!

North facing apartments receive lovely amounts of sunshine and sunshine makes a big difference to the livability of an apartment.


Know the strata rules and regulations governing the complex.

Knowing the governing rules and regulations will help you achieve a hassle-free move.

The community will have rules and by-laws that cover your rights and responsibilities. It will govern the things you can and can’t do and the way you are expected to conduct yourself. The three Ps – parking, pets and parties are the three big issues.


Search Google reviews of buildings and ask around to compare bills and strata fees.

Asking around for first-hand information from current owners can help you gauge your ongoing costs. Having these in mind will help making a decision easier.


Tim Whall

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